Ooops he did it again, but this time all creditors were well warned…

Ved dekret af 17.07.2012 har Skifteretten i Århus taget

Ken Lynge Primby
CVR-nr. 20948701
Asylgade 34, st
8300 Odder
Sagsnr. 41-20455/2012

under konkursbehandling efter begæring modtaget den 08.06.2012.

Ken Lynge Primby har drevet virksomhed under navnet HR Compagniet v/Ken Lynge Primby fra adressen Boulevarden 13, 8300 Odder, 20948701.

Kurator er advokat Lars Grøngaard, Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C.

Eventuel anmodning om valg af kurator og kreditorudvalg skal fremsættes skriftligt over for skifteretten senest 3 uger efter denne bekendtgørelse.

Enhver, der har fordring eller andet krav mod skyldneren, opfordres til inden 4 uger efter denne bekendtgørelse til boets kurator at anmelde sit krav opgjort pr. 17.07.2012. Anmeldelsen bør være vedlagt dokumentation for kravet.

Retten i Århus, den 17.07.2012.

Retskreds: Århus


By decree of 17.07.2012, the Bankruptcy Court in Aarhus taken

Ken Lynge Primby
CVR no. 20948701
Asylum Street 34, st
8300 Otter
Ref. 41-20455/2012

in liquidation following an application received on 08.06.2012.

Ken Lynge Primby has operated under the name HR Compagniet w / Ken Lynge Primby from the address boulevard 13, 8300 Odder The 20,948,701th

Curator’s lawyer Lars Grøngaard, Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Aarhus C.

Any request for the choice of trustee and creditor committee must be submitted in writing to the probate court within 3 weeks of this Order.

Anyone who claims or other claims against the debtor, are invited within 4 weeks of this Order to the estate trustee to submit its claim as per. 17.07.2012. Notification should be accompanied by proof of claim.

The Court in Aarhus, 17.07.2012.

Jurisdiction: Aarhus

Interesting to find a Greek Bank doing a google search on the full name of the man himself. I dobut they were cheered by what they read on this website after google brought them here :- (Alpha Credit Bank) [Label IP Address]

Attiki, Athens, Greece, 0 returning visit




30th July 2009

08:53:23 Lynge Primby &aq=f&oq=

Hmmm, so why would a greek bank want to do a specific search on his name? I shall leave that for you to work out………………………….

Look forward to hearing from you,

Anyone for Tennis?

I’m really pleased for Ken that despite the failure of various Connect businesses of his, that he doesn’t have to ensure any financial hardships – unlike the people who trusted him and ended up losing loads of money.

To prove this, Ken can be spotted in fine form at his local tennis club here. Nice to know he can still afford the price of a game, isn’t it?

He’s the third one from the left in the Opel t-shirt…starting to look at bit like that guy off the Shawshank redemption perhaps?

What Connection Connects Connekt with Connect?

Of course, moving assets and changing names of businesses is a time-consuming business, but when you have a lot of experience in this area, it must become mundane and commonplace.

Ken Lynge Primby’s latest ruse is to rename his new Enkeltsfirma, hitherto known as “Connekt v/ Ken Lynge Primby”, to “Connect v/ Ken Lynge Primby”, so yet again the Connect Connection comes to the fore. Is that just something he thought of, or was it the plan all along?

Connekt-ing through the ages

Thanks to the magnificent Web Archive site, we can get even more of an insight into the past history of Ken Lynge Primby and Connect/Connekt.

Way back in 1999, Connect looked like this. First thing to note is that the address is Connect – Klamsagervej 14 – DK-8230 Åbyhøj. But the telephone number is still in use today, as is the domain name itself. So was the company an Enkeltsfirma back then, or some other lost Aps that never traded and was dissolved by a “friendly” liquidator?

By 2001, the site has progressed to the site we all know so well. It is unknown if the original developer ever got paid for it or whether he became a creditor of the Connect incarnation of the period. Note the reference to “Connect Resource Agency”, though. Still, he’s now at the Soren Frichs vej 38 address most of us will recognise.

By early 2008, Ken was obviously too busy to keep his site updated, and it was transfered back to Dandomain (is the other host company another creditor?). Later on, he managed to bring it back up, although if you fiddle around with it now you’ll find quite a few missing links.

Interesting to note that at no time is a CVR number visible, which is illegal. Who do I report it to?

Another business bites the dust

As time goes on, it is inevitable that more stories about Ken Lynge Primby and Connect appear and, with the power of the internet, the information tends to become readily available these days.

So, interesting to see more on this subject from someone else who has lost a load of cash through his dealings here

Well, I wonder who the mysterious “business partner” could be? Does he mean Annette Norgaard, the sleeping partner of Connect last time round? And during the entire time I had a business relationship with Connect, the only person I ever spoke to was Ken Lynge Primby himself.

Also, as for none of the creditors losing any money……….

Connekt (sic) is in Business

I have every admiration for Ken Primby’s dexterous and swift ability to switch between businesses like a chameleon, unfettered by the normal decencies of respect for the people he leaves by the wayside, often heavily in debt and with families to support.

Checking his latest link out here, Connekt v/ Ken Lynge Primby is listed as being in business at the new Banegadespladsen address in Århus. Looking at this leaves little clue of the mass destruction he leaves behind him. The main thing I have issue with, aside from the fact he is still alive, is that he lists the business as trading since 1998. Well, Ken himself may have been trading since 1998, but Connekt v/ Ken Lynge Primby has only been in business since October 2007, when his previous Connect business was put into liquidation, and the previous Connect business before that suffered the same fate in 2004 – if anyone can help with the tangled web of what happened between 1998 and 2004, I’d be very interested to know.

Ken Primby has had plenty of years of practice of tvangopsløsning and how to avoid it. He was a director of Holmann and Nørby way back in 1991, and you can guess how that business went…..