What Connection Connects Connekt with Connect?

Of course, moving assets and changing names of businesses is a time-consuming business, but when you have a lot of experience in this area, it must become mundane and commonplace.

Ken Lynge Primby’s latest ruse is to rename his new Enkeltsfirma, hitherto known as “Connekt v/ Ken Lynge Primby”, to “Connect v/ Ken Lynge Primby”, so yet again the Connect Connection comes to the fore. Is that just something he thought of, or was it the plan all along?

Connekt (sic) is in Business

I have every admiration for Ken Primby’s dexterous and swift ability to switch between businesses like a chameleon, unfettered by the normal decencies of respect for the people he leaves by the wayside, often heavily in debt and with families to support.

Checking his latest link out here, Connekt v/ Ken Lynge Primby is listed as being in business at the new Banegadespladsen address in Århus. Looking at this leaves little clue of the mass destruction he leaves behind him. The main thing I have issue with, aside from the fact he is still alive, is that he lists the business as trading since 1998. Well, Ken himself may have been trading since 1998, but Connekt v/ Ken Lynge Primby has only been in business since October 2007, when his previous Connect business was put into liquidation, and the previous Connect business before that suffered the same fate in 2004 – if anyone can help with the tangled web of what happened between 1998 and 2004, I’d be very interested to know.

Ken Primby has had plenty of years of practice of tvangopsløsning and how to avoid it. He was a director of Holmann and Nørby way back in 1991, and you can guess how that business went…..

Primby Kursus Og Rådgivningscenter

Years ago, there was a business called “Primby Kursus Og Rådgivningscenter“, based at Borgbjergalle 13, Odder. Despite this business being closed down, I noticed I was still paid by Connect Resource Agency via an account with the name “Primby Kursus Og Rådgivningscenter“.

How strange then, that this business appears in the business directory, but the CVR number tracks back to Connekt, Ken Lynge Primby’s latest creation?