Emperor Nero, Fiddling while Rome Burns

According to dictionary.com :-




a musical instrument of the viol family.

British Informal. to cheat.
verb (used with object), fiddled, fiddling.


British Informal.

  1. to falsify:
    to fiddle the account books.
  2. to cheat:
    to fiddle the company out of expense money.

Whereas Emperor Nero fiddled while Rome burned, it seems the Managing Director of FuelFactory Aps, Ken Lynge Primby has been busily fiddling (through holidays only, of course) while the business crashed and burned.  The Parent company of FuelFactory Aps, Inovate Aps also collapsed into Tvansopløsning at the same time.

According to TripAdvisor, the former “KonkursRytter” (Computerworld.dk‘s definition, not this website’s) has..for sure..been on a few trips lately.  Berlin, London, Las Vegas…..it’s a shame no-one was watching FuelFactory Aps better, just like Connect Resorce Agency back in 2007 and other businesses before that.

Ken Lynge Primby – Director of FuelFactory Aps on Linkedin

A new website seems to have recently appeared for FuelFactory Aps.  First thing to observe about this site is that it illegally fails to display the CVR Number of the business.  I hope they fix that soon, because the website has no specific names behind it, not least that of the registered owner of FuelFactory – Vita Holman Storborg.

Luckily, Linkedin has some useful information on who might be operating the day to day activities of the business.


But wait, who is that?  Ken Lynge Primby?  Back in business as an IT Consultant and even identifying himself as managing director of an IT company called FuelFactory Aps in Tvangsopløsning?  Again…?

Fuel Factory under Tvangsopløsning

Poor Vita Holman Storborg, mother of Ken Primby.  Trying out as an IT Consultant at the age of 70 as described here was always going to be a tough move.  A whole new career change was bound to be tough for anyone, but for a life dealing with karma, perhaps the logic of being an IT consultant was too much for her declining days.

review of the Fuel Factory accounts showed the official business of the company to be zero.  Like   Connect Resource Agency back in 2007however there is a common link in both companies – The accounts highlight Ken Lynge Primby as Dirigent of Fuel Factory, exactly the same as his role as revisor and liquidator of Connect Resorce Agency back in 2007.

Some might wonder who will be the liquidator of Fuel Factory…?   Let us see as time goes by…

FUELFACTORY ApS under tvangsopløsning




Skovdalsvej 4

Postnummer og by

8300 Odder








Under tvangsopløsning

Online Presence and the Importance of Being Earnest (or Ernest, but definitely not Ken Lynge Primby)

In this time, online presence is an important thing.  In the same way that kids might some day regret those posts on facebook that show them making mistakes, someone with a serious point to make in their career and working life would do well to to be courteous, fair and above all, scrupulous.

If you didn’t manage that, then you could well imagine that your business indiscretions would no longer be private, but would be forever available for the world to see and no amount of appeals to google to hide it would work.  How embarassing and financially damaging would it be to be, say for example, Ken Lynge Primby, the “recruitment agent” mentioned in this story here about the Bankruptcy Rat?  Yes, the “IT Bankruptcy Rat”, a literal translation from Danish by a respected IT publication.

Imagine then if that man forgot, or otherwise failed (maybe due to other financial commitments?) to renew important domain names such as connect.dk (which got listed prior to it dropping for 400,000 krone, wonder why it didn’t sell?) and primby.dk, the man’s own surname.  Why, it’d be a very dangerous mistake to make, wouldn’t it?

Fast forward 2 years and primby.dk got registered after dropping by one of the people who he still owes a debt to.  I suppose a desperate man might get worried and spot that :-

a) the person owed the debt hadn’t done anything with the website


b) Maybe wanted to move on with his life, if only he was finally paid the money he was still owed and could forget it all, healing the psychological damage done to him, his young children and partner.

Sigh, it never happened.  I’d imagine, hypothetically though, that such a man might spot the domain hadn’t been renewed and was on the verge of dropping and might try and reclaim it by paying 75 kr to get on the dk-hostmaster “ventelist” (waiting list, to those wondering…) and nab it when it was free again.

Well, if not him, somebody did anyway.

And that’s what prompted me to renew it….

Ken Lynge Primby – Odder Håndbold Elite

It’s always nice to see a sporting club doing it’s bit in the community and giving something back.  I’m sure Odder benefits from the local handball club, but the business track record of one of their Bestyrelsesmedlemmer might give a slight concern.



Some people might well wonder how it reflects on Odder Handball team to have a “Bankruptcy Rat” on their board?

CVR-nummer 30493494
Startdato 03/04 – 2007
Adresse Røddalsminde 74
8300 Odder
Status Normal
Branche 931200 Sportsklubber
Virksomhedsform 80 Anpartsselskab (APS)
Kapital DKK 919.000
Regnskabsår Fra –07-01 til –06-30
Revision fravalgt Nej
01.07.2014 · 30.06.2015 Hent 2014 aarsrapport
01.07.2013 · 30.06.2014 Hent 2013 aarsrapport
01.07.2012 · 30.06.2013 Hent 2012 aarsrapport
01.07.2011 · 30.06.2012 Hent 2011 aarsrapport
4. kvt. 2014 20-49 ansatte
Bestyrelsesmedlemmer Ken Lynge Primby
Søkrogen 13
8300 Odder

Henrik Bentsen
Sandageralle 34
8300 Odder

Karsten Geertsen
Røddalsminde 74
8300 Odder

Preben Otto Pedersen
Askelunden 10
8300 Odder, Hou

Jesper Hjort
Solbrinken 12
8300 Odder
Direktører Karsten Geertsen
Røddalsminde 74
8300 Odder
Stiftere Odder Igf’s Håndboldafd v/Gitte Nørbæk
Parkvej 5
8300 Odder
Sandageralle 34
8300 Odder
Ejerandel: 25%
Stemmeandel: 5%
Start: 23.04.2015

Nørregade 6
8300 Odder
Ejerandel: 5%
Stemmeandel: 0%
Start: 23.04.2015
Torvet 10
8300 Odder