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Connect It-Rekruttering Tlf. 70 20 17 15
Anden virksomhedsrådgivning
Klamsagervej 14
8230 Åbyhøj
Interesting, since the mobile phone is Ken’s on several of his other Connect businesses as well.
"IT KonkursRytter"
Found this on
Connect It-Rekruttering Tlf. 70 20 17 15
Anden virksomhedsrådgivning
Klamsagervej 14
8230 Åbyhøj
Interesting, since the mobile phone is Ken’s on several of his other Connect businesses as well.
Nice to see others discussing Connect and Ken Lynge Primby.
Here are some links :-
So here we have at least another 3 people affected by Ken and his serial opening and closing down of companies. Shocking.
Oh look, here’s another one that points back to the new Connekt business…
Years ago, there was a business called “Primby Kursus Og Rådgivningscenter“, based at Borgbjergalle 13, Odder. Despite this business being closed down, I noticed I was still paid by Connect Resource Agency via an account with the name “Primby Kursus Og Rådgivningscenter“.
How strange then, that this business appears in the business directory, but the CVR number tracks back to Connekt, Ken Lynge Primby’s latest creation?