Online Presence and the Importance of Being Earnest (or Ernest, but definitely not Ken Lynge Primby)

In this time, online presence is an important thing.  In the same way that kids might some day regret those posts on facebook that show them making mistakes, someone with a serious point to make in their career and working life would do well to to be courteous, fair and above all, scrupulous.

If you didn’t manage that, then you could well imagine that your business indiscretions would no longer be private, but would be forever available for the world to see and no amount of appeals to google to hide it would work.  How embarassing and financially damaging would it be to be, say for example, Ken Lynge Primby, the “recruitment agent” mentioned in this story here about the Bankruptcy Rat?  Yes, the “IT Bankruptcy Rat”, a literal translation from Danish by a respected IT publication.

Imagine then if that man forgot, or otherwise failed (maybe due to other financial commitments?) to renew important domain names such as (which got listed prior to it dropping for 400,000 krone, wonder why it didn’t sell?) and, the man’s own surname.  Why, it’d be a very dangerous mistake to make, wouldn’t it?

Fast forward 2 years and got registered after dropping by one of the people who he still owes a debt to.  I suppose a desperate man might get worried and spot that :-

a) the person owed the debt hadn’t done anything with the website


b) Maybe wanted to move on with his life, if only he was finally paid the money he was still owed and could forget it all, healing the psychological damage done to him, his young children and partner.

Sigh, it never happened.  I’d imagine, hypothetically though, that such a man might spot the domain hadn’t been renewed and was on the verge of dropping and might try and reclaim it by paying 75 kr to get on the dk-hostmaster “ventelist” (waiting list, to those wondering…) and nab it when it was free again.

Well, if not him, somebody did anyway.

And that’s what prompted me to renew it….

Ken Lynge Primby – Odder Håndbold Elite

It’s always nice to see a sporting club doing it’s bit in the community and giving something back.  I’m sure Odder benefits from the local handball club, but the business track record of one of their Bestyrelsesmedlemmer might give a slight concern.

Some people might well wonder how it reflects on Odder Handball team to have a “Bankruptcy Rat” on their board?

CVR-nummer 30493494
Startdato 03/04 – 2007
Adresse Røddalsminde 74
8300 Odder
Status Normal
Branche 931200 Sportsklubber
Virksomhedsform 80 Anpartsselskab (APS)
Kapital DKK 919.000
Regnskabsår Fra –07-01 til –06-30
Revision fravalgt Nej
01.07.2014 · 30.06.2015 Hent 2014 aarsrapport
01.07.2013 · 30.06.2014 Hent 2013 aarsrapport
01.07.2012 · 30.06.2013 Hent 2012 aarsrapport
01.07.2011 · 30.06.2012 Hent 2011 aarsrapport
4. kvt. 2014 20-49 ansatte
Bestyrelsesmedlemmer Ken Lynge Primby
Søkrogen 13
8300 Odder

Henrik Bentsen
Sandageralle 34
8300 Odder

Karsten Geertsen
Røddalsminde 74
8300 Odder

Preben Otto Pedersen
Askelunden 10
8300 Odder, Hou

Jesper Hjort
Solbrinken 12
8300 Odder
Direktører Karsten Geertsen
Røddalsminde 74
8300 Odder
Stiftere Odder Igf’s Håndboldafd v/Gitte Nørbæk
Parkvej 5
8300 Odder
Sandageralle 34
8300 Odder
Ejerandel: 25%
Stemmeandel: 5%
Start: 23.04.2015

Nørregade 6
8300 Odder
Ejerandel: 5%
Stemmeandel: 0%
Start: 23.04.2015
Torvet 10
8300 Odder

New Accounts published for FuelFactory Aps

It is with trepidation that we finally have the chance to check how Vita Holmann Storborg’s first foray as a pensionist into the tough world of IT consultancy is going.

We can do this by reading the free accounts here : Accounts for FuelFactory Aps

First conclusion to draw from this is that officially the company has not done much.  In fact, with all those zeroes for income and expenses, it officially hasn’t been involved in any trading activity.  Poor Vita!  I hope next year offers better opportunities.

The second thing to note is that there was 45,000 krone in expenses.  I guess this could be expected for accountancy fees etc, but luckily Vita has managed to minimise those by appointing her multi-talented son, Ken Lynge Primby to be the “Dirigent”.

In summary, poor Vita Holmann Storborg.  Unless her new business can start generating an income then at current burn rate it only has about 9 months left.

FuelFactory Aps also trades under the following other trading names : BILLIGBRILLER.DK ApS, HABITTEN.DK ApS, OPENERPDANMARK ApS, SPEZIALIZED ApS.  Maybe since the last accounts were signed off in 2014, it has?  If you have any dealings with any of these companies it might be worth you relating your experiences here.

Vita Holman Storborg

Vita Holman Storborg is indeed an incredible woman.

At the age of 70, after a lifetime of astrology, karma and alternative healing,
she’s decided to venture into the world of Information technology and
recently became director of no less than two new companies based in
Odder – inovate holding aps and fuel factory aps
The latter is registered on as an information technology
consultancy, so a career change – that’s a really impressive step to
take, Vita, so well done!

According to, her registered address is in Grenaa, as is vaeksthøjskole
Well, the website says she founded that one and works there so she
faces quite a commute, considering the registered address of both her
new companies is Skovdalsvej 4, 8300 Odder.  Which according to other
internet sources is where her son, Ken Primby, lives.

Yes, son.  The same son who bought about the time the company was set up by his mother.

I write only facts here, so of course, I have no reason to suspect
anything underhand is afoot.  I am sure that Vita is going to operate as
a director in a legitimate and legal manner and that her son, Ken Lynge Primby is too.  In fact, maybe he’s just helping his mother by buying her

According to, Vita Holman Storborg has been director of 2 other companies : holman and nørby a/s and HUAMAO ACUPUNCTURE CENTER ApS – both of which ended in tvangsopløsning.  Coincidentally, Ken was also a director of Holman and Nørby at that time.  Karma.

All this information is freely available on the internet if any of it is incorrect, then I am happy to change it if contacted.

Ooops he did it again, but this time all creditors were well warned…

Ved dekret af 17.07.2012 har Skifteretten i Århus taget

Ken Lynge Primby
CVR-nr. 20948701
Asylgade 34, st
8300 Odder
Sagsnr. 41-20455/2012

under konkursbehandling efter begæring modtaget den 08.06.2012.

Ken Lynge Primby har drevet virksomhed under navnet HR Compagniet v/Ken Lynge Primby fra adressen Boulevarden 13, 8300 Odder, 20948701.

Kurator er advokat Lars Grøngaard, Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Århus C.

Eventuel anmodning om valg af kurator og kreditorudvalg skal fremsættes skriftligt over for skifteretten senest 3 uger efter denne bekendtgørelse.

Enhver, der har fordring eller andet krav mod skyldneren, opfordres til inden 4 uger efter denne bekendtgørelse til boets kurator at anmelde sit krav opgjort pr. 17.07.2012. Anmeldelsen bør være vedlagt dokumentation for kravet.

Retten i Århus, den 17.07.2012.

Retskreds: Århus


By decree of 17.07.2012, the Bankruptcy Court in Aarhus taken

Ken Lynge Primby
CVR no. 20948701
Asylum Street 34, st
8300 Otter
Ref. 41-20455/2012

in liquidation following an application received on 08.06.2012.

Ken Lynge Primby has operated under the name HR Compagniet w / Ken Lynge Primby from the address boulevard 13, 8300 Odder The 20,948,701th

Curator’s lawyer Lars Grøngaard, Gorrissen Federspiel, Silkeborgvej 2, 8000 Aarhus C.

Any request for the choice of trustee and creditor committee must be submitted in writing to the probate court within 3 weeks of this Order.

Anyone who claims or other claims against the debtor, are invited within 4 weeks of this Order to the estate trustee to submit its claim as per. 17.07.2012. Notification should be accompanied by proof of claim.

The Court in Aarhus, 17.07.2012.

Jurisdiction: Aarhus

Ken Primby Lynge Primby Tvangsauktioner

Out with the old and in with the new. New company, new website, new house, no debt. If only life was so simple. Well, for one person, it certainly seems to be……..

Salgsopstilling kan rekvireres på webstedet:
S01022011-32003.02.2011 Herved bekendtgøres, at der over nedennævnte ejendom vil blive afholdt tvangsauktion som anført. Salgsopstilling og auktionsvilkår henligger til eftersyn på dommerkontoret medmindre andet er anført.

Matr. nr. 29 bu, Odder By, Odder
Borgbjergalle 13
8300 Odder

Patriciervilla centralt beliggende i Odder. Huset er opført i 1932 i røde mursten med tag af cementsten. Bebygget areal er på 85 m² med 65 m² udnyttet tagetage og 85 m² høj kælder godkendt til beboelse.
Indretning: Stueplan – entre med trappe til 1. sal og kælder, fordelingsgang, stor opholdsstue og spisestue i åben forbindelse med køkken. Køkkenet er fra HTH i hvidt med maghognikanter – alle hvidevarer er med stål front. Fra spisestuen er der udgang til stor træterrasse. I stueetagen er der endvidere et lille kontor og et brusebadeværelse. I stueetagen er der gamle afhøvlede trægulve. 1. sal – repos, værelse og 2 sammenhængende værelser. Kælder – nyistandsat og udgravet, så loftshøjden er godkendt til beboelse. 2 store værelser med store vinduer til have, badeværelse med skab, spabad og brusekabine, stort bryggers med klinkegulv, skabe og vaskesøjle – udgang til have. Overalt i kælderen er der gulvvarme.

Tinglyst areal 728 m², heraf vej 0 m².

Pr. 01.10.2009 kr. 2.150.000, heraf grundværdi kr. 611.200.

Skødehaver ifølge tingbogsattest
Annette Ladefoged Nørgaard og Ken Lynge Primby

Begæreren af auktionen (Rekvirenten)
BRFKredit A/S
Holst, Advokater
Hans Broges Gade 2
8100 Aarhus C.
Telefon 89340000
Fax 89340001
Journalnr. I940078-1195 ESL/ASC

Holst, Advokater

Dato, tid og sted for afholdelse af auktion
22.02.2011 kl. 13:30
Retten i Aarhus
Retssal K1
Kannikegade 16, 1 tv
8000 Aarhus

Henvendelse vedr. besigtigelse (hvis henvendelse kan ske flere steder, er yderligere adresser anført under “Ekstra bemærkninger”)
Holst, Advokater
Advokat Edith Stenum Larsen
Hans Broges Gade 2
8100 Århus C.

Sagens dokumenter ligger til eftersyn hos
Retten i Århus

Rekvirering af salgsopstilling
Holst, Advokater
Advokat Edith Stenum Larsen
Hans Broges Gade 2
8100 Århus C. 89340000


Interesting to find a Greek Bank doing a google search on the full name of the man himself. I dobut they were cheered by what they read on this website after google brought them here :- (Alpha Credit Bank) [Label IP Address]

Attiki, Athens, Greece, 0 returning visit




30th July 2009

08:53:23 Lynge Primby &aq=f&oq=

Hmmm, so why would a greek bank want to do a specific search on his name? I shall leave that for you to work out………………………….

Look forward to hearing from you,